Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do's and Don't of Independent Study (IS)


  1.  Try to find a topic of your relevance e.g. if you are a web developer go for web related research, if mobile developer choose any mobile related topic. This will not only help you enhance your knowledge but your burden will be shortened as well.
  2. Create a folder in your PC for storing all research related stuff.
  3. Maintain a file for your hard copy stuff. (I also place the Research Methodologies notes along with this file)
  4. Use to search your topic. You will get a list of research paper here.
  5. Select the research paper you want to get. Simply Google it (with and without quotes try both). Mostly you will be able to find your paper within first two pages of Google search.
  6. While saving the research paper try to put it under a folder named on the conference it is published in.
  1. Try to find a specific topic. I have proposed a general topic for the first time and my proposal got rejected.
  2. Usually authors from developing countries (like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc) don't post pdf's of their articles. So if you are unable to find article within the first 10 minutes try not to waste you time. Also add that author to you blacklist to avoid any further wastage of your time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

IS Schedule (Spring 2011)

  • 2nd week:- IS proposal approval from Advisor till end of
  • 3rd week:-  IS Proposal Approval from MS Corodinator till end of
  • 4th week:- Approved IS Proposal Submission to Academic till end of
  • 8th week:- Mid Semester Presentation in
  • 12th week:- Final IS Long and Short Reports Submission to Advisor
  • 13th week:- Advisor's Feed Back on both Short and Long Reports
  • 14th week:- Final IS both Reports Approval by MS Coordinator
  • 15th week:- IS Reports Submission to Academic with CD
  • 18th week:- Presentations

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    List of Computer Science Journals

    Difference between Symposium, Conference, WorkShop and Journal

    1.       Symposium: A 'super-conference' of smaller conferences, e.g.:

    a.       a meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations


    2.       Conference: e.g.

    a.       one of the conferences as part of the symposium, above.

    b.      Conferences are occasional or annual meetings organized by a committee, with a group of appointed paper reviewers who review submissions and select the most suitable, original, best etc. papers for publication in a book: 'conference proceedings'.

    c.       Conferences are self-funded - i.e. people attend because they are interested in the conference subject matter. People who attend pay a registration fee, which provides for e.g. a printed book of proceedings for all registrants.

    3.       Workshop:

    a.       There are nominal differences between a workshop and a conference paper

    b.      A workshop paper isn't technically a publication and is typically meant to represent work-in-progress

    c.       Nowadays, workshops are typically very topically-focused and non necessarily any less quality than a conference paper

    d.      That being said, I think it’s safe to say workshop papers are generally regarded as less prestigious than conference papers.


    4.       Journal: e.g. one of Nature's publications,

    a.       Journals are usually peer-reviewed, which means your paper was carefully evaluated for errors and possibly rewritten a few times. It also could have been rejected. Conference papers (or proceedings) take whatever you send them if you participated in the conference. Journal articles (from peer-reviewed journals) are better.

    Research Paper Topics

    Research Paper Topics & Ideas

    Welcome to Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. In this listing, we intend to describe research methodologies to help write a quality research article and assist in finding a research topic.

    As we all know that "Research" is the process of collecting information and data about a topic being studied. It  is a systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events, behaviors, or theories, or to make practical applications with the help of such facts. It is a continues process and doest not mean that it always is successful. In the past, one has bear witness to some heavily funded projects going down the drain and achieving so less after so much promise.

    Choosing  an interesting and worthy research topic is always a time consuming process for a research group. Choosing  a topic, searching relevant material and citing sources is always challenging and sometimes painful. We cannot neglect the importance of search engines in this regard. Search Engines like Google and MSN will always be your true friends. Also we advise you to

    1.            Read current newspapers and magazines related to information technology.

    2.            Just going blindly for a research topic without proper homework means nothing but wastage of time. So post your queries about your intended research field in technology related Forums and Webs. Also search for your topic in websites like "Research Topics" , Ideas for Term Papers, and Reports.

    3.            Always choose a topic that can be treated persuasively, is related to your domain of expertise, you have enough knowledge and resource for this  and can be developed adequately within the timeframe.

    4.            If you are using some one else's idea, always refer it. Plagiarism does not mean that you cannot quote or pass one's words. It is actually a careless or intentional effort to take credit of  someone's work.

    Research Areas

    •             Algorithms

    •             Artificial Intelligence

    •             Bio-Computation

    •             Database & Information Systems

    •             Distributed Systems/Ubiquitous Computing

    •             Geometric Computation

    •             Graphics

    •             Hardware/Architecture

    •             Human Computer Interaction

    •             Internet Systems & Infrastructure

    •             Knowledge Representation & Reasoning

    •             Machine Learning

    •             Math Theory of Computation

    •             Natural Language & Speech

    •             Networks

    •             Probabilistic Methods & Game Theoretic Methods

    •             Programming Languages & Compilers

    •             Robotics, Vision & Physical Modeling

    •             Scientific Computing

    •             Security and Privacy

    •             Software/Operating Systems

    •             Systems Reliability/Dependability

    Possible Research Topics and Areas


    Following is a set of hot topics in the field of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology on which active research is being conducted by Institutes and Research Organizations across the Globe. Since they are on the public domain, everyone is free to take advantage of them but one should be careful that they do not collide in their research aims and names in the near future so it is recommended that you should chose the topic after careful consideration and modify your research aims accordingly. 

    •             Security and Cryptography on WWW

    •             Managing & analyzing large volumes of dynamic & diverse data

    •             Privacy and Databases

    •             A System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage

    •             Agile Engineering Methods for Distributed Dependable Systems

    •             Modeling Complex Systems

    •             Design Patterns for Distributed Dependable Control Systems

    •             Agent Oriented Software Engineering

    •             Design and Analysis Methods for Multi-Agent Systems

    •             Software Engineering Methods and Tools for Soft Computing

    •             E-commerce challenges and solutions

    •             Automated E-commerce negotiation agents

    •             Database management system for XML

    •             Tradeoffs in Replication Precision and Performance

    •             Trusted Image Dissemination

    •             Integrating database queries & Web searches

    •             Compiling High-level Access Interfaces for Multi-site Software

    •             Content-based Image Retrieval

    •             Digital Library Technologies

    •             Parallel Query Optimization

    •             Large-scale Interoperation and Composition

    •             Scalable Knowledge Composition

    •             Privacy and Databases

    •             High Performance Knowledge Bases

    •             Computational Game Theory

    •             Multi-Agent Learning

    •             Digital Circuit Optimization

    •             Transactional Coherence and Consistency

    •             Visualizing Large VLSI Datasets

    •             Global Optimization and Self-Calibration of CMOS Analog Circuits

    •             Computational Law

    •             General Game Playing

    •             Logical Spreadsheets

    •             Collaborative Commerce

    •             Global Trading Catalog

    •             Exploration of indigenous language dictionaries

    •             Textual Inferences

    •             Shallow Semantic Parsing

    •             Unsupervised Language Learning

    •             Question Answering with Statistics and Inference

    •             Clustering Models

    •             Statistical Machine Translation

    •             Design of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks for Real-Time Media

    •             Compression and Streaming

    •             Optimized Video Streaming

    •             Image and Signal Processor

    •             Scalable Network Fabrics

    •             High Speed Signaling

    •             System-Level Design Tools and Hardware/Software Co-design

    •             Web Password Hashing

    •             Preventing online identity theft and phasing

    •             Software Quality and Infrastructure Protection for Diffuse Computing

    •             Agile Management of Dynamic Collaboration

    •             Computational modeling of signal transduction pathways

    •             Robotics

    •             Artificial Intelligence

    •             Validity Check

    •             Electronic Voting

    •             Verification of high-level designs

    •             Statistics and Data Mining

    •             Computer Ethics

    •             Privacy, Right of Freedom Of Information

    •             Standardizing E-Commerce Protocols

    •             Software Metrics and Models

    •             Software Configuration Management Patterns

    •             Approximation Algorithms

    •             Design of Network Topology

    •             Software Development Technologies For Reactive, Real-Time, and Hybrid Systems

    •             Modeling Flexible Protein Loops

    •             Study of Protein Motion

    •             Sensing of Deformable Objects

    •             Adaptive Dynamic Collision Checking

    •             Climbing Robots

    •             Deformable Object Simulation

    •             Robots on Rough Terrain

    •             Textual Inferences

    •             Machine Learning Control

    •             Enterprise Software, Solutions, and Services

    •             E-commerce and the World Wide Web

    •             Future of Web Services

    •             Electronic surveillance

    •             Software Model for Game Programming

    •             Extreme Programming

    •             Agile Software Development

    •             Reliable Component-Based Software Systems

    •             Engineering and Technology Management

    •             Application of Virtual Reality

    •             Digital Convergence

    •             Applications of Data warehousing and data mining

    •             IP Telephony

    •             Genetic Engineering

    •             Security threats through Spy ware

    •             Software Architecture Patterns

    •             Object Oriented Design Patterns and Frameworks

    •             Grid Computing

    •             FPGA

    •             Voice Technology

    •             Controlling Pornography and Computer Crime over Internet

    •             Internet and the Economic Revolution

    •             Ad-Hoc Networks Modeling

    •             Globalization and Computers

    •             Computer Aided Design

    •             Bioinformatics and Biometrix

    •             Computer Technology and Government

    •             Computer Crimes Cyberspace Social Aspects

    •             Human Computer Interaction

    •             Robust IP security

    •             Mechanisms for Friendly Robotics

    •             Multi-directional Motion Planning

    •             Manipulation Planning

    •             Surgical Simulation

    •             Next-Generation Grids and Distributed Systems

    •             Peer to Peer Computing

    •             Distributed Data Management

    •             Design and Manufacturing

    •             Repositories of Reusable Knowledge

    •             Randomized Motion Planning

    •             Technology-Assisted Surgery

    •             Human Motion Simulation

    •             Human-Centered Machine Design

    •             Simulation & Active Interfaces

    •             Graphics System and Architecture

    •             Interactive Workspaces

    •             Computational Photography

    •             Multi-graphics

    •             Real-Time Programmable Shading

    •             Rendering Algorithms

    •             Simulation & Analysis of Muscle Models

    •             Virtual Human Simulation

    •             Compression of synthetic images

    •             Creating digital archives of 3D artworks

    •             3D fax machine

    •             Responsive Workbench

    •             Spreadsheets for Images

    •             Texture Analysis and Synthesis

    •             Visualizing Complex Systems

    •             Volume Rendering

    •             Predicate Abstraction

    •             Verification of transaction-based protocols

    •             Reconfigurable Wireless Networks for Multimode Communications

    •             Smart Photonic Networks

    •             Improving Program Robustness via Static Analysis and Dynamic Instrumentation

    •             High-Level Area and Timing Estimation

    •             Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis

    •             Collaborative Co-Located Information Organization

    •             Enabling Rapid Off-the-Desktop Prototyping

    •             Notebooks that Share and Walls that Remember

    •             Interactive Workspaces

    •             HAL

    •             Logic Programming Techniques

    •             Data Compression and Coding

    •             Human Language Technology

    •             Information Discovery

    •             Machine Learning and Data Mining

    •             Security and Cryptography

    •             Spatial Data

    •             XML and Semi-Structured Data

    •             Supporting co-located, collaborative work with computationally-enhanced tables.

    •             A collaborative work environment

    •             Beyond the Desktop

    •             Interaction with Large Displays

    •             Moving Information and Control

    •             Defense against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

    •             Extreme Scale Cluster Architecture

    •             Feedback Based Inter-domain Routing

    •             History-based Anti-spam

    •             Towards Self-Managed Wireless LANs

    •             Interactive Workspaces

    •             Recovery Oriented Computing

    •             A collaborative work environment

    •             Only Software & Recursive Micro-reboots

    •             Decoupled Storage

    •             Space Systems

    •             Inference Web

    •             Web Semantics Technologies

    •             AI-bots

    •             Repositories of Reusable Knowledge

    •             An Object-Oriented Modular Reasoning System

    •             Model-Based Support of Distributed Collaborative Design

    •             Modeling, Analysis and Control of Hybrid Systems

    •             Technology for Enhanced Reuse of Design Objects

    •             Virtual Network System

    •             Active Queue Management

    •             Scaleable Performance Prediction and Efficient Network Simulation

    •             Sensor Networks

    •             TCP Performance

    •             Energy Efficient Wireless Communication

    •             Load Balancing

    •             Multimedia over Networks

    •             Stochastic Network Theory

    •             Web Cache Performance and Analysis

    •             Optical Router

    •             Optimal Routing in the Internet

    •             Parallel Packet Switch

    •             Rate Control Protocol for Short-lived Flows

    •             Single Buffered Routers

    •             TCP Switching

    •             High Performance Switching

    •             Link Adaptation in Wireless Local Area Networks

    •             Mobility in Cellular and Wireless Local Area Networks

    •             Performance Assessment and Traffic Differentiation in Wireless Local Area Networks

    •             Identity Based Encryption

    •             Authenticating Streamed Data

    •             Identity Based Encryption Email system

    •             Intrusion tolerance via threshold cryptography

    •             Security of cryptographic primitives and protocols

    •             Remote Exploration and Experimentation

    •             Reliability Obtained by Adaptive Reconfiguration

    •             Agent Applications and Ontologies

    •             Agent-Oriented Software Engineering

    •             Agent Programming and Specification Languages

    •             Concept-Based Retrieval and Interpretation for Large Datasets

    •             Complex and Adaptive Systems

    •             Constraint Programming

    •             Declarative Debugging

    •             Web application Security